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The Chicago River(s) Run Series Part 6: Running Tour of I&M Canal

In this series, Read & Run Chicago Guide & Friends of the Chicago River Policy Manager Chelsey Grassfield leads runners on a series of river runs inspired by Libby Hill's The Chicago River: a Natural and Unnatural History!

In her book, Libby Hill writes, “The early nineteenth century was the era of canals." For the 6th and final edition of this series, we'll see two of the historic canals, the Illinois & Michigan Canal (I&M) and the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (CSSC). Although we may be leaving Chicago, these two waterways begin in the city. If you joined us for the third run of Bubbly Creek (or have ever been to Bubbly Creek on your own), you know that the I&M Canal began in Bridgeport before being replaced by the CSSC. The I&M Canal Corridor has been designated as the first National Heritage Area in the nation. We’ll explore the history of these two vital waterways and how they impacted the health, growth, and prosperity of Chicago. If you take only one thing away from this series, let it be that Chicago would not be what it is today if it were not for our natural and human-engineered waterways.


December 4

Running Tour of Graceland Cemetery

January 22

Chicago Scavenger Running Tour with Author Jessica Mlinaric