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Running Tour of Graceland Cemetery

Join Read & Run Chicago and Graceland Cemetery for an easy-paced (~11:00 min/mile) 3-mile run through Graceland Cemetery, the historic and iconic burial grounds of many famous Chicagoans including Marshall Field, George Pullman, and Daniel Burnham. As we run through the picturesque grounds, we’ll stop to hear some incredible tales of famous and lesser-known residents from Adam Selzer, historian and author of Graceland Cemetery: Chicago Stories, Symbols, and Secrets.

COST: Payment of $20 is required to participate in this event. Payment will be collected upon arrival via cash or payment apps. 100% of the fees go directly to author Adam Selzer.

Registration required. Register here.

November 19

The Chicago River(s) Run Series Part 5: Running Tour of Little Calumet

December 10

The Chicago River(s) Run Series Part 6: Running Tour of I&M Canal